The financial planning trifecta: goals, pathways and agency
July 18, 2022What’s the Biggest Cybersecurity Threat?
September 25, 2022I dedicated the edition of my weekly newsletter that came out on the 20th anniversary of my father’s death to his memory. The feedback I received was so positive! What people commented on more than any other part were my dad’s most-loved quotes.
People emailed that they saved them for future reference. They tweeted how much they loved that this was how I remembered him. They posted that they hope they’ll be remembered by the golden nuggets that matter to them.
August is a month for lazy summer afternoons, dips in the pool, hiking around the lake and sipping a favorite beverage at sunset. In the spirit of ease this August’s blog is a reproduction of Dick McKenna’s favorite quotes, one of his enduring legacy gifts to those who knew and loved him.
“There are three things that are real: God, Human Folly and Laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension so we must do what we can about the third.” ~ John F. Kennedy
“Anything you need is six phone calls away.” ~ Anon.
“Collect all the blames into one big stinky ball, which nobody owns, and is in fact empty.” ~ Ginsberg
“The sweet dew covers the whole world, including those who lie, and within that dew lies the truth.” ~ Gautama
“Do not change in moments of stress decisions made in moments of calm.” ~ Jesuits
“Every important call is a close one.” ~ Leonard
“Freedom is nothing more than being able to choose your own cage.” ~ Ric Masten
“Money is like electricity. You can only be in the circuit where it is passing through.” ~ Phillips
“Luck is never accidental. It is either a curse or a skill.” ~ Anon.
“Let’s not put the emPHAsis on the wrong syLLAble.” ~ Anon.
“Hassles are messengers. Listen.” ~ Anon.
“A hundred years, all new people.” ~ Grace Wilson McKenna Raymond (his mother)
“We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.” ~ Anon.
“It is sometimes better to seek forgiveness than to ask permission.” ~ Anon.
“We can hold back neither the coming of the flowers nor the downward rush of the stream; sooner or later, everything comes to its fruition.” ~ Loy Ching-Yuen
The newsletter from July 29, 2022 can be found here: